A house for 122 seniors responds to the current situation; it wants to be townforming and strengthening relationships in the part of the town. The original site was fenced establishing an impenetrable area. It is open to the street and park now. Huge masses are set in motion by fine stepping back; respiria, meeting, observation and leisure points are established at breaking points. Geometric volumes of skylights letting diffused daylight in project in the roof plane above the respiria. A system of roofed galleries encircling and stepping back as a ring on the facade supports the building’s horizontal character. The different colour of window frames and irregular railing fills add to this diversification. Priority is given to natural colours of materials allowing them to patinate. Landscaping with a network of paths and benches is designed to allow various activities as well as resting of clients and visitors.
The project was praised for its contribution to upgrading of the cultural and social milieu by building a day care centre providing dignified life to senior citizens. Its urbanistic design, construction and technical execution and namely successful integration of the building in the residential neighbourhood where it became its natural part were praised, too.