The “after-war” period. A clear-cut hit into a static structure. The space dynamically transforms. The overpressure and internal tension are expressed by glass curtains of the courtyard façade mingling with an organically lovely garden on the ground floor. The structure and details clearly distinguish the old and the new. The theme of a bank building is made lighter step-by-step: from the historical facade clad in a new colourful outfit to a number of gay decorations scattered in the central lobby. Excitement, positive mood. Eager to see the ´tomorrow´, the whole studio was boiling like a steam boiler. A new motto cropped up: “If [it is] about money then [let’s make it] cheerful!“ This is what made this bank building different; banks were designed primarily as money stores at that time though money had not been produced yet. Overpressure, hectic mood, joy of life, all this expressively transformed into a mass. Nothing “fictional”, copied; a simple transcription of a mood; to achieve this only such means were used commonly available.
Nominated for the original conversion of a historical building with respect to the new glass façade of the new part. The project is included in the collection of the National Gallery.