A new school in the village as a solution to the enrollment problem

We designed and presented a volumetric study of the new primary school in Vidov for the Association of Towns and Municipalities of the Pomalší Region. The school should solve capacity problems, where many pupils have to commute to České Budějovice. Because of this, there is also so-called “enrolment tourism”, where families fictitiously transfer their permanent residence to ČB or other municipalities in order to secure a place in the school. The municipalities thus lose tax revenues from these people, and thus have a problem covering the needs of the municipality from their budgets. The new school should solve this problem.

The urban design is based on the size of the site and the goal of creating not only a school, but also a vibrant community space serving all its residents. Ideologically, the building can be seen as serving 3 parts, namely a part with classrooms, with a regular façade and windows (racio), a gymnasium with a pitched roof and made up of a block clad in polycarbonate, emphasizing the importance of the harmonious development of body and soul, and finally an organically shaped network, directly adjacent to the studios for music and art education, underlining the importance of individuality and art. Structurally, the school is designed as a concrete skeleton, lined with ceramic masonry and insulated with mineral wool. The façade of the school consists of a pre-set wooden façade, where maintenance-free wood such as Siberian larch is considered.


Civic amenities




Vidov, Czech Republic